Land for Sale - 6964 Harrisburg Hollow Road, Bath, NY 14810 - 40.4 acres

40 acres Manufactured Home with 2 Carports and Recreational Land in Bath NY 6964 Harrisburg Hollow Rd

6964 Harrisburg Hollow Road, Bath, NY | Lat/Lng:  42.4109, -77.2975

40.4 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This country property includes a manufactured home, 2 carports, and recreational land on 40 acres located in Bath NY, Steuben County. Nestled in the heart of Finger Lakes Wine Country, this hidden recreational retreat offers unparalleled privacy and serenity. Just minutes from the sparkling waters of Keuka Lake, this prime property is an ideal haven for outdoor enthusiasts. With over 2,000 ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
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