Land for Sale - 731 County Road 336, Redford, MO 63665 - 280.0 acres

Excellent Hunting Property With A Cave, Springs, And Beautiful Home For Sale

731 County Road 336, Redford, MO | Lat/Lng:  37.3391, -90.8170

280 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This excellent hunting property is located along County Road 336, just west of Annapolis. The beautiful home is turnkey and would be a great full-time residence or weekend getaway cabin. The barn is an excellent place to store all your equipment and tools. Mayberry Branch flows through the property, and multiple springs provide water to the abundant wildlife in the area. A cave sits along Mayberry Branch, offering the perfect place to spend time with family and friends. The property includes a couple of food plot locations and a great trail system to access all your favorite hunting spots. Pioneer Forest adjoins the property on two sides, providing endless hunting opportunities. The Black River K-Bridge access area is also nearby. If you are looking for a property that encompasses everything the Ozarks has to offer, then this is a must-see! Call Land Specialist Carter Roth today at 573.880.6578 or Land Specialist Jeff Heil at 573.880.6150 to schedule your own private tour. Property Features: - Excellent hunting opportunity - Cave - Multiple springs - Foodplot - Mayberry Branch flows through the property - Beautiful home - Barn - Black River nearby - Spring house - Property adjoins pioneer forest


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Jeff Heil
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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