Land for Sale - 7430 Pleasant Grove Road, Charlotte, NC 28216 - 12.52 acres

+/- 12.52ac - 7430 Pleasant Grove Road Charlotte NC - Mecklenburg Co

7430 Pleasant Grove Road, Charlotte, NC | Lat/Lng:  35.3118, -80.9258

12.52 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Development site on fast growing Hwy 16 Brookshire Blvd. in the NW corridor that connects uptown Charlotte with Mountain Island Lake and Lincoln County area. The listing contains multiple parcels to be sold together. Property has paved road frontage (870+/- ft) on Hwy 16 / Brookshire Blvd and (368+/- ft) on Pleasant Grove Rd. This is a strategic corner with great visibility from signaled intersection. Area under Duke Power utility easement can be used for open space, parking, rain gardens and low growing landscaping per Mecklenburg County. Utilities are available, with sewer and water close by, the site is located 1 mile south of I-485. Subject to rezoning to potential commercial corner. Agent Remarks Agent owns parcel number 03303114, and is related to some of the sellers. Tax value represents the total of all parcels. Multiple parcels to be sold as a whole.


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Land and Luxury
Brokerage Link
Agent: Justin McClure
Email Land Listing Agent
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