Land for Sale - 759 Ratliff Ferry Road, Canton, MS 39046 - 2.0 acres

759 Ratliff Ferry Road_MadisonCo

759 Ratliff Ferry Road, Canton, MS | Lat/Lng:  32.6071, -89.8798

2 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Peaceful country living in east Madison county! Come discover the Ratliff Ferry area halfway between Hwy 16 and the Natchez Trace Parkway. Less than just a few miles from Ratliff Ferry Trading Post where you can enjoy live music, food & drinks at their restaurant or put the boat in and enjoy the river! 759 Ratliff Ferry Road has recently had new flooring installed, freshly painted, and other updates throughout. This listing offers plenty of space inside & outside the house. With a large bonus room inside, and two beautiful acres with large trees, and an old barn make sitting on the front porch or back deck very peaceful. Lets go take a look! Les Penn, CLS Mossy Oak Properties, BRE 601-260-5544 / cell 662-495-1121 / office Lpenn@


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Bottomland Real Estate
Brokerage Link
Agent: Les Penn
Email Land Listing Agent
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