Land for Sale - 78 S 437 Road, Locust Grove, OK 74352 - 78.0 acres

78 S 437 Road Locust Grove, OK 74352

78 S 437 Road, Locust Grove, OK | Lat/Lng:  36.1746, -95.2223

78 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


EXPERIENCE THE PERFECT BLEND OF NATURAL BEAUTY, OUTDOOR ADVENTURE, AND AGRICULTURAL OPPORTUNITY ON THIS 78 +/- ACRE PROPERTY IN LOCUST GROVE WITH STOCKED PONDS, ABUNDANT WILDLIFE, AND VERSATILE AMENITIES—ONLY 3 MILES FROM US-412! Situated in the gorgeous Locust Grove countryside, this sprawling 78 +/- acre property offers a blend of natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and practical features for outdoor enthusiasts, ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Drew Ary
Email Land Listing Agent
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