Land for Sale - 795 Mcnulty Rd, Volant, PA 16156 - 60.0 acres

Turn-key Farm Ready To Accommodate Your Livestock And Farming Needs

795 Mcnulty Rd, Volant, PA | Lat/Lng:  41.0899, -80.1515

60 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Welcome to this beautiful, turn-key farm that's ready to accommodate your livestock and farming needs! Situated on a fully fenced property, this farm offers everything you need to hit the ground running. At the heart of the property stands a spacious, well-built barn that boasts the capacity to store up to 3,000 small square bales of hay — perfect for keeping your feed organized and easily accessible throughout the year. The barn is designed with durability and functionality in mind, making it an ideal space for not just storage but also livestock shelter and farm equipment. The property also conveys OGMs (Oil, Gas, and Mineral rights), adding additional potential value and opportunities for resource use in the future. Property Features: - Turn-key with barn, ready to put hay in this summer and cattle can be thrown to pasture day of closing - Nice fence


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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