Land for Sale - 800 Warren Lane, Hurricane Mills, TN 37078 - 230.97 acres

Turn Key Hunting Property Near Hurricane Mills TN

800 Warren Lane, Hurricane Mills, TN | Lat/Lng:  35.8789, -87.7749

230.97 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Escape to your private hunting paradise, centrally located between the Tennessee, Duck, and Buffalo Rivers. This large contiguous tract offers exceptional deer and turkey hunting opportunities and great local fishing access. The property features multiple ponds and spring-fed creeks, offering wildlife plenty of water. An off-the-grid hunting cabin awaits, complete with a well and septic system. You'll love the mature timber, boasting fruit and nut-producing trees like persimmon and white oak, creating a vibrant ecosystem. Several small pocket food plots are thoughtfully scattered throughout, attracting wildlife for observation or hunting. Miles of well-maintained trails allow for hunting, ATV, or horseback riding opportunities. Embrace the tranquility of this private and secluded retreat, providing a true getaway from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Don't miss your chance to own this remarkable property, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. Property Features: - Private hunting paradise - Exceptional deer and turkey hunting - Multiple Ponds - Well-maintained trail system - Cabin with well and septic - Mature timber, including fruit and nut producing trees - Multiple creeks throughout property - Several small pocket food plots - Centrally located between the Tennessee, Duck, and Buffalo Rivers


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Thomas Crutcher
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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