Land for Sale - 8034 Fairview Rd, Olympia, WA 98512 - 7.62 acres

7.62 acres in Olympia!

8034 Fairview Rd, Olympia, WA | Lat/Lng:  46.9736, -122.9690

7.62 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


OLYMPIA - 7.620 ACRES: Large property in Olympia/Tumwater area waiting for your vision with creek running through property. Best use is recreational, weekend camping, and possibly RV parking (storage opportunities). Due to shape, floodplain, and wetland area; does not look good for building or home site. Shopping, dining, and entertainment needs are within 10-15min in Tumwater and Olympia. Outdoor recreational opportunities within minutes. Property is 331,927 sf and mostly level. Zoned SFL. Power, Water, and Gas are shown to be available, but located at a distance at main road. No sewer. Wetland reconnaissance complete. No additional studies completed. Property sold AS-IS. Owner financing available!!


Property Type OneRecreational Land
Property Type TwoUndeveloped Land
Property Type ThreeRiverfront
BrokerageKeller Williams Mountains to Sound Realty
Brokerage Link
Agent: John Love
Email Land Listing Agent
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