Land for Sale - 81075 82 Highway, Wallowa, OR 97885 - 198.82 acres

The Baker Ranch - A Waterfront Ranch for Sale in Wallowa County

81075 82 Highway, Wallowa, OR | Lat/Lng:  45.4844, -117.4143

198.82 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


The Baker Ranch - A Productive Waterfront Ranch for Sale in Wallowa CountyExecutive Summary - Irrigated Ranch for Sale in Wallowa County The Baker Ranch is a ranch for sale in Wallowa County that covers approximately 198.82 acres, offering a combination of irrigated farmland and grazing pasture. The ranch is equipped with an extensive infrastructure to support agricultural operations, including a ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Evan Kaseberg
Email Land Listing Agent
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