Land for Sale - 8179 Sw 76 Th St Lot#WP001, Trenton, FL 32693 - 5.0 acres

Small Wooded Tract Filled With Mature Pines

8179 Sw 76 Th St Lot#WP001, Trenton, FL | Lat/Lng:  29.6252, -82.9430

5 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This parcel is in a secluded area outside of Trenton, with easy access to the Gulf as well as the Suwannee River with springs nearby. The property is a blank canvas for a future homesite. You can harvest the mature pines or carve out a small area for a home and leave the trees for wildlife and privacy. The tract is in the country and is very quiet and peaceful. Chiefland and Trenton are close by for day-to-day errands, and Gainesville is close to 30 mins away for anything else you may need. Please call me with any questions you may have or want to schedule a showing. Property Features: - Ideal for homesite - Recreational property - Filled with mature timber - Nice location between the Gulf of America and Gainesville - Power along the roadside - Road frontage


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Cody Worley
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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