Land for Sale - 8210 MO 5 Hwy, Hartville, MO 65667 - 500.0 acres

500ac Cattle Ranch

8210 MO 5 Hwy, Hartville, MO | Lat/Lng:  37.3574, -92.5854

500 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This property has all the potential with the prim location along MO 5 Hwy. Not only does it have a great location the topography is second to none in the area. This farm is currently being used in a cow calf operation, but the potential for hay or row crop production is here. There are several paddocks used for rotational grazing. The farm features several automatic waters supplied by 2 wells on the premises or the rual water line running along the Hwy. There is a nice set of pens used for gathering and loading. There is also a small living quarters and a newer machine shed on the property. The seller would consider subdividing for the right buyer.


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Missouri Land Brokers
Brokerage Link
Agent: Brenton Fowler
Email Land Listing Agent
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