Land for Sale - 8394 Hoffman Rd, Lowville, NY 13367 - 4.91 acres

4 acres Land with Off Grid Cabin New Breman NY

8394 Hoffman Rd, Lowville, NY | Lat/Lng:  43.8418, -75.3924

4.91 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


4 acres of Land for Sale with Off-Grid Cabin, New Breman, NY! 4 Season Base Camp for all Your Sporting Adventures! This property is located on a quiet country road in the town of New Bremen in Lewis County NY. The cabin is just over 600 square feet and offers all the amenities one would need for a weekend getaway. It’s an ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Kirk Goodrow
Email Land Listing Agent
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