Land for Sale - 8549 Road 2, Sidney, NE 69162 - 86.52 acres

2BD 1BA with Outbuildings & Quality Cropland

8549 Road 2, Sidney, NE | Lat/Lng:  41.0039, -103.2393

86.52 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Country 2BR 1BA farmhouse with income producing cropland away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Great for a buyer involved in 4H or just looking to have some space for livestock & passive cropland income. Recent improvements include a newer septic system and electrical box. The main level boasts of 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room, and bonus room. Additional storage can be found in the partial basement. Several outbuildings can be found on the property including a large metal Quonset with dirt flooring & power. There are 78.26 acres of quality cropland consisting of mostly Rosebud Loam (0-1 percent slopes) Class 2C & Alliance Loam (0-1 percent slopes) Class 2C. Crops grown on the property and in the area include Wheat, Milo, Millet, or Corn. Currently, all of the tillable acreage is in a crop rotation and is subject to tenant rights. Located only a short distance from a paved County Road 74 and Peetz, CO. Additional acreage is available. Showings by appointment only! Contact the listing agent for more information. Property Features: - Located 7 miles west of Peetz, 17 miles southwest of Sidney, and 26 miles north of Sterling. - Legal 22-12-52 (LOTS 1-2-3-4) - Country home with acreage - Partial basement - Close Proximity to a paved road - Large Quonset with dirt floor & power When purchasing a property listed by Great Plains Land Company, a Buyer's Broker, if applicable, must be identified on first contact and present at the initial showing of the property to participate in a real estate commission. If these conditions are not met, compensation if any will be at the sole discretion of Great Plains Land Company.


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoHunting Land
Property Type ThreeSingle Family
BrokerageGreat Plains Land Company
Brokerage Link
Agent: Daniel Hunning
Email Land Listing Agent
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