Land for Sale - 8672 Highway H, Lynchburg, MO 65543 - 193.0 acres

193 Acres, Joins Mark Twain National Forest, Springs, Fenced, Hayfields, 4 Bed/1Bath Home, Shop

8672 Highway H, Lynchburg, MO | Lat/Lng:  37.4009, -92.3167

193 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This property offers a unique opportunity to own a stunning piece of the Missouri Ozarks. With a total of 193+\- acres, the property features a convenient entrance off blacktop Highway. One of the most remarkable features of this property is the number of springs that provide year round water. The springs and spring fed ponds attract an impressive population of big deer and turkey, making it a paradise for hunting enthusiasts, also providing fresh water for the cattle. As you explore the property, you'll come across a spacious open pastures that are fenced and cross fenced and beautiful hay fields. The 1930 home offers 4 bedroom 1 bath, car siding ceiling, tiled floors, large mudroom, newer windows, siding and York HVAC system, Large 3300 sq ft. shop and implement building. Missouri Land For Sale that one is seeking peace and seclusion, the South side of the property joins Mark Twain National Forest Land. Despite its tranquil setting, Hunting Property For Sale Wright County Mo Additionally, this property presents an excellent opportunity for hunting enthusiasts. With its strong deer and turkey population, you'll always have exciting opportunities to pursue your passion. The surrounding areas have seen many big bucks harvested, Perfect locations to strategically position food plots on the ridges, you can create a once-in-a-lifetime hunting and cattle farm


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRanches
Property Type ThreeRecreational Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Mozark Realty
Brokerage Link
Agent: Linda Francis
Email Land Listing Agent
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