Land for Sale - 9978 Zane Tail Rd, Circleville, OH 43113 - 3.6 acres

Zane Trail Rd - 3 acres - Pickaway County

9978 Zane Tail Rd, Circleville, OH | Lat/Lng:  39.5601, -82.8423

3.6 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Situated on 3.6 acres, this 2,300 square foot Colonial style home offers rural living in Pickaway County. Only one half mile to Logan Elm Schools and 5 miles to Circleville. The home features 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 2 half, a full walkout basement and a two car attached garage. The house was fully renovated in 2021. The renovations include: New Insulation in walls and ceilings on the entire first floor and partial on the second floor Approximately 90 percent new electrical and plumbing throughout the house All new roof, siding, and windows 3/4 hardwood on entire first floor Custom hardwood cabinets in kitchen, bathrooms, and pantry The home also includes an outdoor Hardy wood boiler and an underground dog fence that covers nearly 2 acres. Annual property taxes are approximately $7,265.


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Bauer Realty & Auctions
Brokerage Link
Agent: David McCain
Email Land Listing Agent
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