Land for Sale - Angler's Retreat on the Shields, Livingston, MT 59047 - 38.89 acres

Angler's Retreat on the Shields

Angler's Retreat on the Shields, Livingston, MT | Lat/Lng:  45.7686, -110.4953

38.89 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


The Angler's Retreat on the Shields is a conveniently located riverside property. The property contains 39+/- deeded acres along three-quarters of a mile of the Shields River and offers stunning views of the magnificent Absaroka and Crazy Mountain Ranges. It is conveniently located only fifteen minutes from Livingston and forty-five minutes from Bozeman. Trails into the national forest are nearby ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
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Agent: Carlos Ordoñez
Email Land Listing Agent
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