Land for Sale - Avenue J, Lot#WP001, Chase, KS 67524 - 155.9 acres

Cropland Quarter In Central Kansas

Avenue J, Lot#WP001, Chase, KS | Lat/Lng:  38.3876, -98.4111

155.9 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Great tillable farm opportunity with this property, which is located just two miles north and three miles west of Chase, KS, at the intersection of Avenue J and 5th Rd. This property offers easy access via well-maintained roads. The nearest blacktop road is 6th Rd, coming north off Hwy 56, which leaves only 1.5 miles of gravel road to the property. This tract is made up of 155.9+/- total acres consisting of 152.98+/- acres of tillable. Traditionally, this property has been rotated between wheat, soybeans, and grain sorghum, with the average yields as follows: wheat (36 avg.), soybeans (26 avg.), grain sorghum (88 avg.) Saltwater disposal well has replaced the previous oil well and is currently in use. The new owner will receive 50% of the lease income produced by the saltwater disposal well providing additional income to the property. Overall, this is an excellent opportunity for a farmer or investor alike, whether adding to your operation or investment portfolio. The farm is currently on a cash-rent lease until March 2025. Property Features: - Deeded acres: 155.9 +/- - FSA farmland acres: 152.98 +/- - Soil class: 52% class III, 25.8% class II, & 22.2% class IV - Average yield: wheat (36 avg.), soybeans (26 avg.), grain sorghum (88 avg.) - Taxes: approximate $560.70 - Brief legal: 155.9+/- acres, S22 T19S R10W, Rice Co, KS Pioneer Township


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Taylor Myers
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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