Land for Sale - Bear Branch Rd, Kathleen, GA 31047 - 43.91 acres

Bear Branch Rd

Bear Branch Rd, Kathleen, GA | Lat/Lng:  32.4853, -83.6274

43.91 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Beautiful rolling wooded acreage with 3 ponds located near Kathleen on Bear Branch Rd! This property was mined years ago, but does not have any active mineral right reservations in place-all rights will convey. There are three ponds on the back side of this property that sit close to one another, and they cover approximately 4.5 total acres. Approximately 15 min to Robins AFB and 10 min to I-75! Features Include: 43.91 acres in Houston County-Bear Branch Rd, Kathleen GA 31047 584' paved road frontage allowing easy access into this property Electricity and county water is located along the road frontage Property consists of natural pines, hardwoods, and open areas 3 ponds Great hunting for deer and turkey Multiple home-site choice locations Zoned for Veteran's High, Perry Middle, and Matt Arthur To schedule a showing, please contact Jarrett Lastinger-broker at 478-342-4133 .


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeUndeveloped Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Legacy Realty Services
Brokerage Link
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