Land for Sale - Blalock Road, Gloster, MS 39638 - 11.09 acres

11.09 Acres in Amite County, MS

Blalock Road, Gloster, MS | Lat/Lng:  31.2157, -91.0268

11.09 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


WELCOME TO THE AMITE 11.09, LOCATED ON THE WESTERN OUTSKIRTS OF GLOSTER, MS. Situated off Stump Road with 450± feet of road frontage on Blalock Road, the 11.09± acre Amite County hunting tract consists of a stand of middle-aged pine timber with the exception of a power line that runs through. A box stand and food plot are in place ...Click to learn more


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Agent: SMALLTOWN Hunting Properties and Real Estate
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