Land for Sale - BOGGY DEPOT RD, Coleman, OK 73432 - 547.0 acres


BOGGY DEPOT RD, Coleman, OK | Lat/Lng:  34.3052, -96.3715

547 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


A perfect hideaway in the woods features a beautiful stone home with an open concept living/kitchen area, 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths, mudroom and loft. With approximately 2,000+ sq ft the home is comfortable and spacious with lots of windows for wildlife viewing. Home is steel structure framing with foam insulation. Granite countertops, stone floors and wood burning fireplace, vaulted ceiling, a walk-in attic, along with custom cedar cabinets throughout the home makes this something to see. The property includes a small guest cottage along with a large shop/garage area and covered walk-out area to horse stalls. Hay shed and storage building nearby. The 547 +- acres features prime hunting and fishing as well as nice meadows and pastures for cattle or horses. Wildlife includes turkey, trophy white tail deer, ducks/geese, and much more. Several stocked fishing tanks along with a 4-acre deep lake stocked with trophy bass provide year-round fun. Multiple trails for horseback riding, hiking or 4-wheeling. Elm Creek, an all-weather creek, runs through the western part of the property and tumbles over a beautiful 25+ ft waterfall known as Elm Falls and then meanders around by a limestone cave. A cliff features huge granite boulder outcroppings and overlooks the creek near the home. Approximately 3/4 mile of county road frontage along Boggy Depot Rd. A second wet weather creek runs to the east of the home and is a favorite spot for picnics or simply picking wild onions and morel mushrooms in the spring and blackberries in the summer. Wildlife viewing along the creek is spectacular. Property is currently used for cattle and family hunting and fishing. LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 75 MINTUES FROM MCKINNEY, TX. Electric / Propane / Covered front porch / Storm shelter


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRanches
Property Type ThreeRecreational Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Oklahoma AgRec Land
Brokerage Link
Agent: Don Vansickle
Email Land Listing Agent
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