Land for Sale - Breezy Estates Dr, Lot#WP001, Wytheville, VA 24382 - 8.7 acres

Location, Location, Location On This Multipurpose Parcel Adjacent To Interstate 81 And Lee Highway

Breezy Estates Dr, Lot#WP001, Wytheville, VA | Lat/Lng:  36.9454, -80.9678

8.7 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Incredible location for this almost nine acre parcel situated adjacent to Interstate 81, just off the Fort Chiswell exit. This is a busy exit that has multiple commercial operations, including restaurants, truck stops, gas stations, a church, and multiple retailers, including the well-known Snoopers Antique Mall and the Western Outlet. No doubt, this will provide high visibility and high traffic! This property sits immediately behind the Snoopers building! The lot is currently full of timber and has some marketable hardwoods that could provide some revenue while clearing for your next investment project. This parcel would be an ideal location for retail, lodging, food services, residential or other ideas. The visibility is great from both the interstate and Lee Highway. Don't hesitate to grab this parcel, which can be the site of your next project! Buyer/Buyer's agent to verify all information. Property Features: - High visibility adjacent to Interstate 81 - Located immediately behind popular retail businesses - Road frontage on two sides of the parcel


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Graig Hale
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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