Land for Sale - Cle Elum, WA 98926 - 20.66 acres

Cle Elum - 20.66 acres

Cle Elum, WA | Lat/Lng:  47.1160, -120.9000

20.66 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


20.66 acres of pristine land surrounded by Wenatchee Nat'l Forest and WA Wildlife land. Forested with marketable timber, no legal access or road to it - trail only, snowmobile to it in winter, hike or quad into it in summer. Has surface water rights certificate and evidence of past mining activity. Cle Elum Area - South of I-90, secluded and private land. Recreate among the wildlife and get away from it all whether summer or winter. Looking for a place to escape the craziness of life? Look no further. This rare parcel. Pack up and head east for four seasons of recreational fun! Close to Suncadia, hiking & biking trails, snowmobile area, or build a small hunting cabin. Live off grid, manage your own forest, or use for recreation! NO SIGN


BrokerageKeller Williams Mountains to Sound Realty
Brokerage Link
Agent: David R. Knight
Email Land Listing Agent
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