Land for Sale - Clubhouse Road, Coleman, GA 39836 - 103.65 acres

Cemochechobee Hunting Tract

Clubhouse Road, Coleman, GA | Lat/Lng:  31.6420, -84.9222

103.65 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


For more information regarding this listing, please contact listing agent Cole Bonner 229-561-5111 Approximately 103.65 +/- acres in Randolph County, Georgia, located near Coleman. This tract features multiple established food plots and two creeks. One of the creeks that flows on the southern boundary is Cemochechobee Creek. Additionally, there is a duck pond on the property. This is a well-rounded property that has many features one would want in a recreational tract. Larger adjoining landowners also surround the property. There is a clearing on the hill that would make an excellent barndominium or cabin site. With lots of wild game on the property, this will make a great hunting tract. Approximately 65 acres of Loblolly Pines were planted in February 2022. Power is available at the road. This property is enrolled in a CUVA. *A hunting camp/house in Coleman will be for sale as well separate from this listing* Key Features: Approximately 103.65 acres Approximately 65 acres of 2022 planted Loblolly Pines Two creeks one being Cemochechobee Creek Established food plots Duck pond Power available at the road Internal road system Location: 23 minutes to Cuthbert, GA 45 minutes to Eufaula, AL 1 hour 15 min to Albany, GA 2 hours to Tallahassee, FL 4 Hours to Jacksonville, FL 4 hours and 30 minutes Ocala, FL 5 hours and 30 minutes to Orlando, FL 5 hours and 45 minutes to Tampa, FL 7 hours and 40 minutes to West Palm Beach, FL Recreational: If you are looking for a weekend getaway or hunting tract this checks the boxes. With a healthy wild game population this will make a great hunting tract. A clearing on top of the hill would make a great spot to build a barndominium or cabin. Power is located at the road. Cole Bonner, Listing Agent, CLS 229-561-5111 Cbonner@


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeTimberland
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Southern Land & Homes, LLC
Brokerage Link
Agent: Cole Bonner
Email Land Listing Agent
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