Land for Sale - County Road 2-16 and N HWY 395, Lakeview, OR 97630 - 1346.0 acres

1,346 Acres – Blank Slate Under Blue Clear Skies – Lakeview, Oregon

County Road 2-16 and N HWY 395, Lakeview, OR | Lat/Lng:  42.2664, -120.3718

1346 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


1,346 Acres – Blank Slate Under Blue Clear Skies – Lakeview, Oregon This large, contiguous 1,346-acre property sits just 5 miles north of Lakeview, Oregon, a town that still embodies the authentic Western culture shaped by timber and ranching traditions. Set in the high desert of the Great Basin, this land offers sweeping views, rugged independence, and the kind of open ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Rich Bradbury
Email Land Listing Agent
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