Land for Sale - County Road 236, Alapaha, GA 31622 - 381.0 acres


County Road 236, Alapaha, GA | Lat/Lng:  31.3686, -83.1506

381 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


· 381 acres recreational/timber land investment property located in Berrien County, GA · 23 miles to Tifton, GA; 17 miles to Nashville, GA; 5 miles to Alapaha, GA · Borders other large landowners · Several creek drains with mature hardwoods · Good hunting for turkey and deer · Frontage on County Road 236 · Good road system · Future timber revenue · Per 2023 timber cruise, merchantable and pre-merchantable timber value is $222,074 (timber cruise available upon request) · Approx. 53 acres recently planted in Long Leaf timber · Approx. 72 acres of unthinned planted Slash pines · Approx. 101 acres of hardwood mixed timber · Approx. 155 acres open land ready to plant · 2023 property taxes approx. $2,047 The Glory Property consists of approximately 381 acres of recreation/timber land investment located in Berrien County, GA; approximately 23 miles east of Tifton, GA. Glory has approximately $100K value in merchantable pine timber. There is good access off County Road 236. Approximately 53 acres have been recently plants in Long Leaf pines, and approximately 155 acres that has been site-prepped and ready to plant. Good deer and turkey population for the recreational hunter with several hardwood creek drains that flow through the property. Recent Timber Cruise available upon request. The Glory Property is a great property for someone looking for a place to “get away,” with family and friends for recreational opportunities. It is also a nice timber investment property. - Walter Hatchett


BrokerageJon Kohler & Associates
Brokerage Link
Other FeaturesBlind (3), Feeder (1), Gate (1), Road/Trail (7)
Agent: Walter Hatchett
Email Land Listing Agent
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