Land for Sale - County Road 316 and 321, Palmyra, MO 63461 - 544.0 acres

Contiguous Large Acreage With Productive Soils And Extensive Infrastructure

County Road 316 and 321, Palmyra, MO | Lat/Lng:  39.8681, -91.5826

544 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This exceptional 544+/- acre contiguous farm presents a rare opportunity to acquire a highly productive agricultural operation. With approximately 452+/- acres of tillable ground, the farm boasts an impressive average NCCPI rating of 78.47, indicating strong crop production potential. Over 73% of the soils consist of Smileyville silt loam with 2–6% slopes and NCCPI of 80, making this property an exceptional row crop farm. In addition to its productive soils, the farm features impressive infrastructure to support crop and livestock operations. A well-managed beef cattle operation is in place, complemented by extremely well-maintained perimeter fencing. A small swine production facility can be continued or removed. The property also includes multiple machine shops, equipment storage buildings, livestock facilities, ample grain storage, and a comfortable farmhouse rented for additional income. With its combination of contiguous acreage, fertile soils, and versatile infrastructure, this farm offers a rare investment opportunity for large-scale agricultural producers. Property Features: - 82% tillable with 452 +/- acres in cropland production - Highly productive soils with over 73% of the cropland being Smileyville silt loam 2-6 percent slopes and NCCPI of 80 - Great access with road frontage on all four sides and only 2.5 miles from US 24-61 - Multiple large equipment sheds - Large 50 x 98 shop with concrete floors, large overhead doors and forced air heat - 964 sq ft farmhouse, rented for additional income - Great perimeter fencing - 14 x72 hog confinement building - Running creek providing water for livestock and wildlife - Public water, electric and fiber optic internet access available along the boundary of the property - Working pens and an impressive feed lot for beef production


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Clay Lockard
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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