Land for Sale - County Road 42 and V, Walsh, CO 81090 - 575.0 acres

Baca County 575

County Road 42 and V, Walsh, CO | Lat/Lng:  37.1528, -102.3135

575 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


575 contiguous acres in Baca County, Colorado. 557 productive tillable acres consisting of class IV soils with flat contours. 18 acres of native grass with an old livestock well that could be used with a solar pump. All acres are enrolled in a Wind lease (in research phase) with Scout Energy paying $1479 annually. The wind lease as well as owners share of mineral rights, if any, will transfer with the land. Crop Insurance Actual Production History (APH) Yields: S/2 and NW/4 7-32S-43W: Corn 43 bu/acre Milo 50 bu/acre Wheat 27 bu/acre S/2 of SW/4 6-32S-43W: Corn 43 bu/acre Milo 48 bu/acre Wheat 29 bu/acre Excellent Pronghorn and small game hunting opportunities.


BrokerageGreat Plains Land Company
Brokerage Link
Agent: Taylor Spitzer
Email Land Listing Agent
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