Land for Sale - County Road 643, Lot#WP001, Hanceville, AL 35077 - 24.0 acres

Beautiful Homesite Outstanding Farmstead Cullman

County Road 643, Lot#WP001, Hanceville, AL | Lat/Lng:  34.1202, -86.7272

24 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


An outstanding mini farm with pasture and timber areas is what you will find on this tract. The land is gentle terrain with approximately 14+/- of the 24+/- AC in the open ground of productive sandy loam soils. You have about 800 feet of frontage on Co Rd 643, a paved county road with utilities available. The farm has an old homesite and a couple of barns that could be stored for use. At one time, there was a large pond, but it has been drained and, with some dirt work, has the potential to be restored. Tucked back in the pasture area would be a great homesite with a sense of privacy, overlooking the pasture with large shade trees and a variety of native shrubs lining the drains, a beautiful setting! There is a small stream that feeds the pond and is a great water source for livestock and wildlife. Located just southeast of Cullman, south of Holly Pond, and north of Hanceville, this location is convenient to those areas. Also, see the map for additional acreage available across the road from this tract. If you have been looking for a rural getaway and farmstead, you need to schedule a private tour of this one. Property Features: - Open pasture - Pond that is currently drained - Beautiful homesite - Old barns - Paved road frontage with utilities


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