Land for Sale - Deer Path, Wilsonville, AL 35186 - 0.57 acres

Wooded Shelby County Homesite (Lot 1)

Deer Path, Wilsonville, AL | Lat/Lng:  33.2449, -86.4852

0.57 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


If you're looking for a lot in a quiet rural neighborhood in Shelby county, look no further than this .56 acre wooded lot located just north of Wilsonville. Lot 1 is part of a multiple lot subdivision off of N Main Street. This lot is the first one to the left as you turn into the subdivision. Out of the original subdivision, only a few lots were sold and there are 9 remaining lots. With this lot, there is much potential and with water and power at the road you are one step closer to building your dream home. See attached map for lot location in subdivision.


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Alabama Land Crafters
Brokerage Link
Agent: Kyle Sides
Email Land Listing Agent
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