Land for Sale - Dove Ct, Wilsonville, AL 35186 - 0.82 acres

Wilsonville Lot 6

Dove Ct, Wilsonville, AL | Lat/Lng:  33.2457, -86.4865

0.82 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Finding lots in Shelby county is getting harder and harder to find. If you're looking for a lot in a quiet rural neighborhood in Shelby county, look no further than this .82 acre wooded lot located just north of Wilsonville. Lot 6 is part of a multiple lot subdivision off of N Main Street. Out of the original subdivision, only a few lots were sold and there are 9 remaining lots. With this lot, there is much potential, with Wilsonville just a few minutes down the road and water and power at the road you are one step closer to building your dream home. See attached map for lot location in sub-division.


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Alabama Land Crafters
Brokerage Link
Agent: Kyle Sides
Email Land Listing Agent
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