Land for Sale - Elizabeth, LA 70638 - 220.0 acres

Cotton Trail Tracts Combined, Allen Parish, 220 Acres +/-

Elizabeth, LA | Lat/Lng:  30.8884, -92.8130

220 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


PROPERTY ID: LAALLEPP220R The Cotton Trail Tract is a 220 ± acre timber property located at the intersection of Highway 10 and Highway 112, along Highway 10 to W Cemetery Road, North West of the Village of Elizabeth. The property is comprised of 41± acres of 2006 Loblolly pine plantation, 56.5± acres of 2014 Loblolly pine plantation, 45± acres of 2005 Loblolly pine plantation, 57± acres of 2000 Loblolly pine plantation, and 20.5± acre of natural hardwood and pine areas. Overhead utilities and 6,300’ road frontage along Highway 10 give the tract potential as a rural homesite, timber investment or for commercial usage . Flood Zone X and some areas of A. Location / Directions GPS: 30.8884, -92.813 Driving directions: From Elizabeth, LA: Beginning at the intersection of LA-10 and LA-112, head west on LA-10. The property will be located on your right at the corner of LA-10 and Highway 112 to W. Cemetery Road. • .1 miles from Elizabeth, LA • 9.7 miles from Oakdale, LA • 12.6 miles from Pitkin, LA • 23.7 miles from Oberlin, LA Minerals: Seller retains the mineral rights they may own. RIGHT OF ENTRY PERMIT MUST BE SIGNED AND RETURNED TO MOSSY OAK PROPERTIES, LLC PRIOR TO ENTERING THIS PROPERTY, CONTACT PAM PELAFIGUE, AGENT OR BROKER TO RECEIVE A FORM. Contact Pam Pelafigue at 337-764-9216 or ppelafigue@ for more information on this great investment. To see a list of all properties, please visit


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeTimberland
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties of Louisiana
Brokerage Link
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