Land for Sale - Horace Ln NW, Lot#WP001, Brookhaven, MS 39601 - 40.86 acres

Good Hunting Tract, Timber Investment

Horace Ln NW, Lot#WP001, Brookhaven, MS | Lat/Lng:  31.6319, -90.5970

40.86 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This small tract in Lincoln County offers the perfect blend of hunting and investment potential. With a gentle landscape and an abundance of deer sign, it’s an ideal tract for deer hunters. In addition to being a good hunting tract, it also presents a solid timber investment opportunity, with a good stand of 22-year-old pine timber that had its final thinning just two years ago. The property also features a well-established interior road system that provides easy and convenient access. Located just a short drive from Brookhaven, this property offers both privacy and accessibility. Power and community water are available nearby, and it has a nice cleared-off area at the front of the property that would be perfect for a campsite. Additionally, there are two well-maintained food plots with ample space to expand them if desired. Whether you’re looking for a hunting retreat, timber investment, or just a quiet escape, this property would be a good fit! For more information call Larry Stewart at 985.320.9112 or Trey Keith at 318.452.1608 Property Features: - Good small hunting tract with plenty of deer sign - Good interior road system with access to each part of the property - 22 Year old pine timber that was thinned 2 years ago - Nice campsite at the front of the property with power and community water available nearby - 2 Established food plots


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