Land for Sale - Hwy 37, Lot#WP001, Greensburg, LA 70441 - 40.0 acres

Homesite, Hunting, Recreational Or Development Tract

Hwy 37, Lot#WP001, Greensburg, LA | Lat/Lng:  30.7791, -90.7763

40 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


If you are looking for a tract that is very versatile, this is a property to look at. This property offers a great stand of pine plantation with a mix of bigger pines and hardwoods on the North end. This parcel can be the perfect setup for many different possibilities. If you're looking to build a home on acreage, this is one to look at. The property offers seclusion to build a home but right off of a main state highway. Upon walking the property, deer sign was seen throughout, bringing up the possibility of a perfect acreage hunting tract. A small creek runs through the North end of the tract offering a water source for wildlife and habitat diversity. Take a look at the pictures and maps on this one, and don't hesitate to schedule an in-person showing before this one is gone. Property Features: - Hunting tract - Home on acreage


CountySt. Helena
BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Cade Taylor
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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