Land for Sale - HWY 82, Mathews, AL 36052 - 5.0 acres

Mathews, AL Homesite with Beautiful Mature Trees

HWY 82, Mathews, AL | Lat/Lng:  32.1432, -86.0308

5 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Final Sale Price: No price given
Listed Price: $49,000
Date Listed: 06/30/2022
Beautiful five acre wooded home site available! Located in the coveted Mathews community, this five acres is ready for your new home! Just minutes from Pike Road and Highway 231. The lot consist of mature pine trees with large oaks scattered throughout the land. Call any time to set up a showing!


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoUndeveloped Land
Property Type ThreeTimberland
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Alabama Land Crafters
Brokerage Link
Agent: Jacob Walker
Email Land Listing Agent
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