Land for Sale - Irene Rd, Lot#WP002, Summit, MS 39666 - 3.2 acres

Homesite Property

Irene Rd, Lot#WP002, Summit, MS | Lat/Lng:  31.1916, -90.5667

3.2 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Check out these tracts if you are looking for the ideal homesite or getaway location. This property comprises 5 different parcels ranging from a little over 2+/- acres to 5+/- acres. The properties are located off Irene Road, just a short drive West of I-55 and Mccomb, and have just recently undergone cleanup and mulching with several open areas ready for home or campsite with internal mulched trails. This particular tract is known as Tract D, comprising 3.2+/- acres. This property is partially wooded with some open areas and a mulched trail coming in from the blacktop. Power is available to this tract. This is a really nice tract and won't last long. Call today for additional information or to schedule a showing. "SEE AERIAL MAP ABOVE FOR REFERENCE" Property Features: - Great homesite tracts


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Cade Taylor
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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