Land for Sale - Justice Rd, Solomon, KS 67480 - 219.0 acres

Top Notch Pasture And Hunting In Ottawa Co

Justice Rd, Solomon, KS | Lat/Lng:  39.0997, -97.4891

219 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Here is an exceptional tract for the cattleman and the outdoorsman alike. This beautiful farm consists of around 164 acres of warm-season grass pasture and 42 acres of tillable farmland. The entire perimeter is fenced and the fence is in excellent shape. The tillable area is set up in a fenced-in or fenced-out situation making it a great place to raise feed and then turn cattle in on it. There are also plenty of wind-blocking trees providing a good spot to winter & calve. This tract is full of tremendous wildlife habitat, including hardwood creek bottoms and brushy draws. Add in year-round running water in the heavily timbered creek draw and you have some of the best deer and turkey ground for miles around. People with knowledge of this area know that it's wooded pasture draws like this that produce the biggest bucks year after year. Property this diverse doesn't come along often so get ahold of the listing agent today for a closer look! Property Features: - Located 6 miles East of Bennington on Hwy 18 then 4.5 miles North on 240th Rd - 219 +/- total acres - 163.33 +/- pasture acres - 42.22 +/- cropland acres - Perimeter fence in great shape - Spring-fed creek on West side of property - Hard to beat hunting habitat - Deer, turkey, quail, pheasant, & other small game - 24 miles to Salina & 12 miles to Minneapolis - Ottawa County, S13, t11, R02W - NE4 & E 60 acres of NW4 - Richland Township


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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