Land for Sale - Kinard, FL 32449 - 10.12 acres

10.12 Acre Vacant Land Lot 2

Kinard, FL | Lat/Lng:  30.2200, -85.2040

10.12 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Contact listing agent Lance Clemons at 850-643-6972 to schedule your private showing. 10.12 Acres in Calhoun County, Florida Located on SR 71, this ideal tract of land is perfect for a residential home. This is an amazing opportunity to purchase an affordable 10+ acre piece of property located within a few miles from the beautiful beaches of Mexico Beach and Port Saint Joe. If you love to fish, this property is perfect for you. Multiple boat ramps on the Chipola river are a short drive away. There is a 2nd lot adjacent 10.12 acre available. Buy both lots and own 20.24 acres total. **Key Features:** - Beautiful country homesite location - Paved road frontage (no access limitations) - Convenient to the Gulf of Mexico - Located near the chipola river and multiple boat landings - Cleared and level land surface, ideal for building a new home - Location: 8.3 miles to Wewahitchka, FL; 30 miles to Mexico Beach; 32 miles to Port Saint Joe, FL **Investment Potential:** - Near the beautiful beaches of Mexico Beach and Port Saint Joe **Opportunity Awaits:** - Ideal for both residential use and long-term investment - Great location right off a paved highway - Current survey available - Boundary lines are approximate and should be verified by buyer Lance Clemons, Listing Agent 850-643-6972 Lclemons@


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Southern Land & Homes, LLC
Brokerage Link
Agent: Lance Clemons
Email Land Listing Agent
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