Land for Sale - KY 15 Lot# Wp002, Campton, KY 41301 - 7.7 acres

Lot in the Perfect Location

KY 15 Lot# Wp002, Campton, KY | Lat/Lng:  37.7120, -83.5299

7.7 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This beautiful tract is located in the perfect location just outside the city limits along KY 15 near the Red River Gorge. It's a complete mountain/forested property with commercial potential at an unbelievable price! This 7.7 acre surveyed tract is situated along the west side of state highway KY 15, about 2 miles south of Campton. The commercial potential with this tract of land is tremendous, with over 1000' of KY 15 road frontage. Its great location is ideal for a beautiful home site, cabin lot, or even a place to park your RV, just minutes from the amenities we have become accustomed to. This property was timbered about 8 years ago and has come back very nicely, providing excellent cover and browse for the resident wildlife. It also has an attractive and secure entrance off of KY 15 through a single access point. The property has a recently graded trail system providing excellent access into the body of the property and to an ideal building spot. The terrain is relatively gentle, with only an 1140 elevation change from the ridgetop to the lower portions along the road. The forest comprises hardwoods like oak, hickory, and maple along the ridges and upper slopes, with softer wood species like poplar, beech, pine, and maple along the slopes. These forests are home to all kinds of wildlife, including whitetail deer, eastern toms, and the occasional black bear, bobcat, and fox, not to mention it is right on the edge of the largest elk herd east of the Mississippi River, just a short drive to the south. A future timber harvest could be made again in the next 15 years. The recently regraded logging roads make for good hiking trails and horseback riding or UTV/ATV riding. In addition, it has a couple of potential home sites or cabin sites due to the mild terrain. With its convenient location, this property would be a dream for the developmental ABB entrepreneur or just as your own with a small tucked-away cabin in a forest setting for a weekend getaway to hike, camp, or explore. If this is just the type of property you've been looking for, call me, and let's dive a little deeper. Property Features: - 1.5 miles to Campton, KY... 12 miles to Slade, KY...60 miles to Lexington, KY - Over 1000' of KY 15 Road Frontage and electric available - Single access point with several potential cabin sites


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Cory Meade
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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