Land for Sale - Lenoir County Road, Gilbertown, AL 36908 - 2.35 acres

Waterfront-Choctaw County, AL

Lenoir County Road, Gilbertown, AL | Lat/Lng:  31.8518, -88.1623

2.35 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Opportunities are endless with this +/- 2.35 acre lot located on the Tombigbee River in Choctaw County. This parcel is unrestricted and can be used to build a home, or you could place a camper or trailer on the property. It is located on a wide portion of the river, offering beautiful views and endless waterfront activities. A blacktop road leads you directly to the property. Wildlife is abundant in the area. Contact Reed Marine at 205-399-6204 or at rmarine@ for more information.


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Logan Land Co.-Greene Co.
Brokerage Link
Agent: Reed Marine
Email Land Listing Agent
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