Land for Sale - Lilly Orchard Road, Big Point, MS 39562 - 1.65 acres

Lily Orchard Road 1.65 Acres

Lilly Orchard Road, Big Point, MS | Lat/Lng:  30.5534, -88.4553

1.65 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Final Sale Price: No price given
Listed Price: $13,000
Date Listed: 02/29/2024
Welcome to the Lilly Orchard 1.65 surveyed acres near Big Point, MS. This property is very accessible and contains beautiful standing timber. If you are looking for an affordable tract that has great access and a great homesite this is the property for you. Call us today and lets go take a look! Hunter McCool, CLS Licensed in MS & AR Office: 662-495-1121 Cell: 662-295-7447 Email: hmccool@ Will Waits, Certified Land Specialist Licensed in MS Office: 662-495-1121 Cell: 769-572-2267 Email: wwaits@


County: Jackson
Zipcode: 39562
Property Type One: Hunting Land
Property Type Two: Recreational Land
Property Type Three: Undeveloped Land
Brokerage: Mossy Oak Properties Bottomland Real Estate
Brokerage Link:
Other Features: Panoramic View (1)
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