Land for Sale - Locust Hill Road, Chester, WV 26034 - 17.5 acres

Locust Hill Rd - 17 acres - Hancock County

Locust Hill Road, Chester, WV | Lat/Lng:  40.5676, -80.5657

17.5 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


17.056 acres for sale in Hancock County, West Virginia. Don't miss out on these very affordable recreational tracts! This property backs up to a very large section of woods! On my walk through the property, I saw a ton of deer sign but best of all lots of buck sign throughout this property! Buck rubs and scrapes and turkey scratching all over the place! Multiple stand and blind locations on these parcels. If you are looking for a good hunting parcel do not miss out on this one! Additional hunting opportunities on close by Hillcrest Wildlife Management Area as well! Property features include: 17.056 total acres 2 total parcels Mostly wooded parcels Some open cleared area on the gas line Incredible wildlife habitat Hunting for deer, bear, turkey, and small game Great mix of oak and wild crab apple trees Small stream through property Rolling to steeper topography Elevation ranges from 1060 feet up to 1200 feet GPS coordinates are 40.5677, 80.5634 Lot 5 is 8.615 acres $52,900 Lot 6 is 8.891 acres $61,900 Lot 5 & 6 together $114,800 Property being offered as a whole or buyers can choose between the 2 parcels. Owner financing is available. The seller is reserving all mineral rights and annual taxes are TBD due to the new split.


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Bauer Realty & Auctions
Brokerage Link
Agent: Scott Bare - WV
Email Land Listing Agent
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