Land for Sale - Lot 11 Seldom Seen Road, Great Cacapon, WV 25422 - 5.0 acres

Prime Building Lot Overlooking The Valleys Of West Virginia

Lot 11 Seldom Seen Road, Great Cacapon, WV | Lat/Lng:  39.5804, -78.3863

5 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This property sits on top of the ridge that is perfectly located to view the large trees speckled throughout the property as well the valley that spans down to the Potomac River. From the ridge top your views in the winter span across the next ridge over where you can see up the mountain into the large pines. In the valley below, a small intermittent stream relaxes the soul as it splashes off the rocks. The property is often frequented by deer and turkeys, enriching the charm of being out in nature. The electric pole is conveniently located on the property making a hookup a simple task. The property corner on Keith Lane has been marked as well as two more on the property line on the south side. Give Land Specialist Drew Baggarly a call today to view this prime building lot. Property Features: - Large mature timber - Intermittent stream


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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