Land for Sale - Lot #3 Terrain Drive, Hedgesville, WV 25427 - 11.13 acres

Gorgeous Unrestricted Land With Intermittent Stream

Lot #3 Terrain Drive, Hedgesville, WV | Lat/Lng:  39.5425, -78.1140

11.13 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Final Sale Price: No price given
Listed Price: $164,900
Date Listed: 02/07/2025
***Over 400 feet of frontage on Seasonal Stream******Unrestricted******Conventional Perc***What is there not to love about a property that is unrestricted and has water flowing through it? This parcel sits at the backside of Lot #1 WVBE2037220 and offers as much as any of the others. With a slow gentle grade to the ground, you can build close to the road and have plenty of room to enjoy the rest of the woods. Don't let a smaller parcel fool you, the amount of wildlife using this lot will surprise you. The deer and turkeys use the property as a pass through going into the neighbors fields and stop for the occasional drink out of the stream. Property Features: - Within a mile of THE WOODS - Intermittent stream


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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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