Land for Sale - Map14Lot14R, Livermore, ME 04253 - 47.34 acres

Secluded Recreational Property With Easy Access

Map14Lot14R, Livermore, ME | Lat/Lng:  44.4373, -70.2752

47.34 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Secluded recreational property with easy access on a discontinued portion of Poland Hill Road. This property has exceptional cover, mixed-age timber, and a small stream that was flowing during our recent cold snap- suggesting year-round water. All that the animals need can be found on this parcel. At just over 40 acres, it's small enough that you'll be able to know it well and big enough to keep you interested. Nearby Round Pond boasts a new boat launch to get you to the fish. Call before it's gone. Property Features: - Cover, browse, water and feed - Private but with easy access - Rolling topography


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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