Land for Sale - Meatscaffold Road Lot# Wp0001, Jackson, KY 41339 - 47.0 acres

Remote Mountain Recreational Escape

Meatscaffold Road Lot# Wp0001, Jackson, KY | Lat/Lng:  37.5860, -83.2865

47 ac.
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Final Sale Price: No price given
Listed Price: $35,000
Date Listed: 03/20/2025
If you are ready to get lost and find yourself, check out this remote and private mountain recreational property at an unbelievable price! This tract defines solitude and lies in some of the most beautiful, moderate mountain terrain imaginable. If you are ready to escape from everything, pull up your bootstraps and venture into this remote escape from the rest of the world. Access to the property currently is by a 0.5-mile hike up the valley into the upper reaches of the left fork of Meatscaffold Branch. You enter the property at the eastern tip, where it becomes apparent you have escaped the rest of the world! This property comprises one single tract taking in the entire upper watershed to the ridge top. This tract comprises a nice blend of oak and hickory hardwoods on the points and ridges tapering into the draws and drains, predominantly softer maple and poplar, and a sprinkle of large American Beech and pine blended in. This vast hardwood forest is a pleasure to explore, with some old trails leading throughout and around 380 feet of elevation change over the entire property. The tranquil remote mountain forest is home to all kinds of wildlife, including big mature whitetails, eastern toms, and the occasional black bear, bobcat, or even elk wandering through. This property is located well within the KY elk zone, and the old reclaimed mining areas provide the habitat they seek. The property touches Meatscaffold Branch along the eastern boundary, a blue stream flowing northward down the valley. Once you leave the gravel and pass that last home on the right, your hike will take you along a path where you won't see another neighbor or person, just absolute peaceful solitude as you venture toward your mountain domain. This hike will take approximately 30 minutes (2/3 mile) as you navigate along the old road bed up the valley to the south towards the property. There is an old road bed shown in most places that could easily be opened up with excavation work, making the access much more navigable by UTV or ATV. With that, you could even open up the flat area in the middle of the property and construct that perfect spot for a cabin. This would probably be considered a primitive location for a structure, as getting utilities here would not be feasible. On your hike into the property, the only thing you hear is the stream flowing over the rocks and the breeze through the treetops. A strong and viable future timber value is located in some parts of this property and could be used to recover some of the initial purchase if desired, as it appears to have been at least 20 years since the last timbered. The main trail in the property makes for good hiking and horseback riding and, with just a little work, could be used for UTV/ATVs, providing access to the ridge and through much of the property. This property would be perfect for a weekend getaway to hunt, hike, camp, or explore. This property is unrestricted, and the sellers believe they own all mineral rights and are conveying all rights to the new owner. If this type of adventure and hunting property sounds like what you've been searching for, call me, as it won't likely last long at this phenomenal price. Property Features: - 14 miles to Jackson, KY...32 miles to Campton, KY... 90 miles to Lexington, KY - 2/3 mile walking access that could be easily opened up with some dozer work - Future timber income potential


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Cory Meade
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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