Land for Sale - Memorial rd, Lone Grove, OK 73443 - 78.0 acres

Lone Grove 78

Memorial rd, Lone Grove, OK | Lat/Lng:  34.1860, -97.2936

78 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This is a great multi use property. It is about 50/50 timber and native grass. There are multiple ponds scattered throughout and a creek that runs across the North end in the timber. Property is gated and ready to run cattle. There is road frontage across the entire North end of the property. Loacted just five miles off of I-35 Just minutes from Ardmore and Lone Grove 1.5 hours from Downtown OKC 35 minutes from Davis , OK


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoHunting Land
Property Type ThreeRecreational Land
BrokerageGreat Plains Land Company
Brokerage Link
Agent: Kale Crocker
Email Land Listing Agent
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