Land for Sale - MO HWY F, Lot #WP001, Sheridan, MO 64486 - 158.0 acres

North Missouri Honey Hole

MO HWY F, Lot #WP001, Sheridan, MO | Lat/Lng:  40.5337, -94.5649

158 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This farm is one that should be a model for habitat and diversity when land managers embark on a habitat improvement project designed to capture and hold every deer in the area. The farm is made up of big mature cedars, scattered timber and brush and is surrounded by approximately 58 acres of new alfalfa cash rented by a wonderful local farmer at $125 an acre. In addition to the alfalfa, there are 9 acres of food plots, of which seven acres were planted to soybeans, and the remainder was put into a brassicas mix in 2024. The location of this farm is pretty unique when you realize it sits in a section where you must go over three miles to reach a county road. In other words, it's a three-mile by three-mile area with no thru-roads. That's a remarkable feature for someone trying to grow mature deer. The nearest road as you travel north is in Iowa. Being a couple miles from the Iowa line is never a bad thing for a whitetail hunter! Access to the farm is from a paved county road on the south side of the farm. Getting around the farm undetected is pretty simple due to the many changes in elevation. The farm comes with a deep history of producing mature deer, and one look at the aerial will help you understand why. Water is available by way of three ponds, including one nice pond tucked away on the South end of the farm. Rubs and scrapes are everywhere throughout the farm, and several deer were spotted during my visit. Whether you're an archer or rifle hunter, you'll surely enjoy the endless opportunities provided to match wits with the big Midwest whitetails that live here. If you're a turkey hunter, the birds are here as well. In short, this is one of the most interesting farms I've ever set foot on. Property Features: - Approximately 58 acres alfalfa cash rented at $125 an acre - 9 acres in food plots - Two ponds - Great elevation changes - Paved highway access - Big mature cedar thickets loaded with deer sign - Beautiful grass stands and brush - Located in a large section of land with no intersecting roads - Near the Iowa border - Rich deer history


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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