Land for Sale - N21575 County Road DD, Ettrick, WI 54627 - 2.72 acres

A Mix Of Hardwoods On Rolling Terrain

N21575 County Road DD, Ettrick, WI | Lat/Lng:  44.1510, -91.2480

2.72 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Located Southeast of Ettrick, WI sits this 2.72 + / - acre parcel. The property is mostly a mix of hardwoods on rolling terrain. There is a small open area located on the northeast side of the property that would be a convenient location for a small cabin or camper. This property has an abundance of deer sign on it, and it is located in a well-known deer area of Trempealeau County. Enjoy an affordable hunting parcel and take advantage of being surrounded by large landowners. Hunt and/or potentially build your dream home while enjoying the breathtaking views. Property Features: - Hard road access - Topography changes - Beautiful views - Abundant deer sign - Rural setting - Taxes $457.25


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Neil Hauger
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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