Land for Sale - Oberlin, LA 70655 - 80.0 acres

Powell Road Tract, Allen Parish, 80 Acres +/-

Oberlin, LA | Lat/Lng:  30.5674, -92.7181

80 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Property ID: LAALLEPP80 Acreage located SE of Obelin in Allen Parish, LA. Forty years of natural pine and mixed hardwoods growth. Located on a blacktop parish road - Powell Road with 2,700' frontage. Opportunity for a rural homesite, farm, or recreational use. Flood zone X - no flood insurance required on the northern 30% of the tract. The southern 70% is in flood zone A. Minerals: Seller conveys the mineral rights they may own. Location/Directions: GPS: 30.5674 -92.7181. From Lake Charles, E on I-10, N on Hwy 165, E on Hwy 26 at Oberlin, 3 miles to Powell Road, right on Powell, go south 3 miles, property is on the left. A RIGHT OF ENTRY PERMIT MUST BE SIGNED AND RETURNED TO MOSSY OAK PROPERTIES, LLC PRIOR TO ENTERING THIS PROPERTY. CONTACT PAM PELAFIGUE, AGENT OR BROKER TO RECEIVE A FORM. Contact Pam Pelafigue at 337-764-9216 or ppelafigue@ for more information on this great investment or to schedule a property tour. To see a list of all our properties, please visit


Property Type OneRecreational Land
Property Type TwoUndeveloped Land
Property Type ThreeTimberland
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties of Louisiana
Brokerage Link
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