Land for Sale - Off Buckhorn Mt Ln, Rocky Gap, VA 24366 - 64.05 acres

64.04 acres of Hunting and Recreational Land in Bland & Tazewell Counties, VA!

Off Buckhorn Mt Ln, Rocky Gap, VA | Lat/Lng:  37.2043, -81.2525

64.05 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


For immediate assistance with this listing call John Perez at 434-442-6075 . Secluded and remote off grid cabin! Enjoy privacy and seclusion where wildlife abounds! Call John Perez at 434-442-6075 to schedule a showing today! If you've ever dreamed of owning your own cabin in the woods, then this may be the one you've been looking for! Located well off the beaten path, it's your own personal paradise. The cabin is situated in a serene clearing with a beautiful creek just outside the front door. Deer love to feed in the yard which the owner plants each year with wildlife attractant. Turkeys roam the ridges around the cabin as do bears and other wildlife. The current owners love to sit in the front yard at night and get a beautifully unrestricted view of the night sky and stars. You'll feel like you're a million miles away from the city lights and hustle and bustle of every-day life. The two-story cabin is cozy and the perfect place for a family getaway or a place to share hunting camp with close friends. Sit around the campfire and share stories about the days adventure and past hunts while listening to the babbling creek that's steps away. While the home is off grid it is fully wired for electricity and runs off an on-site Honda generator, which is included in the sale. The cabin is also set up with plumbing which feeds off of rain barrels set up for that purpose and water flows from a pump that's installed in the cabin. An outside shower is the perfect spot to rinse off after a long day in the woods hiking, hunting, riding ATV's and enjoying nature. A large propane tank is also wired into the home so you can choose to use propane for heating and cooking, if you choose. An on-site CONEX container provides a great place to secure your ATV's and other gear that you want to store onsite. There is an HOA that is responsible for maintaining the road and the cost is only $100 per year. No other restrictions are in place. Enjoy having the freedom to do what you want on your own property! Approximately half of the property sits in Bland County and the other half is in Tazewell County. If you're looking for fun activities and things to do, you're only 25 minutes from the beautiful town of Rocky Gap and 30 minutes from Bluefield. Princeton, West Virginia is less than 45 minutes away. Whether you're looking for quaint restaurants, places to shop, fish and ride ATV's - you'll find plenty to do! For more information on this and other land for sale in Bland County, contact John Perez at 252-325-4766 or by email at jperez@ or visit


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeTimberland
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Land and Farms Realty
Brokerage Link
Other FeaturesPanoramic View (1)
Agent: John Perez
Email Land Listing Agent
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